Frequently Asked Questions
Can I just work with you on my grief and not on my health?
Of course! I’m here to support you and your needs.
Do you prescribe supplements and medication?
I do not prescribe anything; I may recommend and suggest things like supplements (think homeopathic remedies like Rescue Remedy or a multivitamin or Vitamin D), I may also recommend things like taking a walk outside or eating several smaller meals.
What is peer-to-peer support?
Peer-to-peer support is when someone (me) has experienced something similar to what you have experienced and by having gone through it, I am able to understand better and offer support and guidance.
Do you offer any guarantees?
With this type of support, there are no guarantees, however, I firmly believe that you will benefit greatly from our partnership.
Do you offer any discounts or financial help?
If you’re unable to afford the session please contact me. People can gift you a session- simply reach out to me via the contact form and I’ll let you know how to proceed.